Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™

Your Employee Returns to Work After Injury and he is Observed still in Pain? Do You Know What to Do?



HR should begin the interactive process by first engaging in a Conducting Good Faith Interactive Meetings (CA) ( Good Faith Interactive Meeting with George. During this meeting HR explains to George that because lifting is an essential part of his job, and he is currently unable to lift, he either needs to take additional leave under FMLA or see if another suitable position is available within the company for him. The option to accommodate him in his position may be possible after it has been determined that no undue hardship exists. This is a matter of discovery and can be complicated to determine. Using our system, not only makes it easier, but also protects you from litigation. Completing an Undue Hardship Analysis (CA) (

It is important that HR also communicates with the Supervisor so that they understand the vital role they have in this process. Most Supervisors and Managers are never trained on FMLA/ADA, and how the regulations integrate with each other and with Workers’ Compensation. Managers are critical in maintaining compliance not only with federal and state regulations but with company policies and union contracts as well. Leave Management Solutions is committed to partnering with busy HR professionals and organizations to ensure FMLA/ ADA accommodations are managed effectively, efficiently, and affordably. All too often, problems arise from supervisors who are unaware of how to properly respond to FMLA/ADA and Workers’ Compensation leave and accommodation challenges. Most HR professionals are not aware that while in compliance with one policy, you can be in violation of another, so how can we expect our supervisors to understand the important details? We do this through training courses like our Integrated FMLA, Pregnancy, ADA, Workers’ Compensation Medical Leave & ADA Accommodation Training for Supervisors.

Medical Leave Training for Managers – Leave Management Solutions

We at LMS want to help you succeed and avoid costly attorney fees! This 20-minute training video can even be customized to your company’s policies and procedures! It also contains a short quiz so you can be assured your supervisors have understood. They learn their role in helping you be assured you stay in compliance.

This is just one of the many forms, letters, and training videos that Leave Management Solutions offers. Members gain unlimited access, or they can be purchased individually. Let LMS help you to create an integrated system to better manage your Medical Leaves and Accommodations – More effectively, efficiently, and affordably!

Leave Management Solutions – Certified Medical Leave & Accommodations Specialist

A great way to get started is with one of our TRIADS. This is an amazing deal! You will become a Certified Medical Leave and Accommodations Specialist with HRCI and SHRM credits and take full advantage of everything LMS has to offer. This package includes:

  • Live Stream Workshops
  • 1 Year of access to our Medical Leave & Accommodation Management Specialist Certification Course
  • LMS Membership with access to resources, forms, narratives, flow charts, and more.
  • Bi-Weekly Q & A sessions with Subject Matter Expert

To Learn more about Leave Management Solutions, and how we can help you, sign up for a free strategy session with LMS Founder Beth De Lima, MBA, SHRM-SCP, SPHR-CA, iMBA.

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