Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™

Training Courses

Training Courses

Online Course

  • Eligible for 1 hour of self-reported SHRM/HRCI/IPMA credit per session!
  • Just $75 or less per session
  • Get clear, concise 100% actionable answers, not legalese.
  • Buy single session or packages of 3 or 5 sessions
  • Deeply discounted annual memberships for 1 or 2 sessions per month
  • Not just a resource to get your questions answered, but also a trusted mentor

Show your managers and supervisors the essential do’s and don'ts of Medical Leave/Accommodation Management in about 20 minutes using one online video and one quiz. Can be customized to provide basic training on your policies and procedures or just to mention your HR/Leave/Accommodation contacts. Attractive volume discounts start at just 10 prepaid students. Call or e-mail now for your volume or custom quote! This training is one of our 3 keys to preventing Medical Leave/Accommodation Management lawsuits you can’t win.

This is a quick introduction to our Internal HR Investigation certification course, including forms, templates and check lists and the teaching style of our Trainer and HR Expert Witness. It is designed to help you decide if our online Internal HR Investigation course is right for you. If you decide to complete our Internal HR Investigation Training, please call us to request your $50 discount code or to ask about multi-student discounts. Or, perhaps, you would like information about the one-on-one attention you get in our Advanced Internal HR Investigation mentoring and certification course. Call 1-866-838-7188 for more information. Remember, the tiny purchase price of this course earns you a $50 credit towards the investment of the full online program. (The Essential Internal HR Investigation course ($647) is required to become an Advanced Internal HR investigation mentoring student.)

A 100% online fast and effective six-step Internal HR Investigation certification course that includes:

One video training, one quiz and the nine (9) copyrighted forms, checklists, questionnaires, letters and outlines you need to complete Internal HR Investigations quickly and easily.
Your premium, hand-signed certificate – Certified Internal HR Investigator – to be Fed Exed to you upon completion of the course and quiz.

Call 1-866-838-7188 now to see if this online class (or the optional advanced certification course, with 6 one-on-one online/telephone mentoring sessions to walk you through each of the six steps in more detail and answer any questions you might have) is a good fit for you. $647 for 1 student, $849 for 2 students, $999 for 3 students and $1099 for 4 students from the same or different company. Call 209-728-8905 to get your multi-student discount codes.

This is NOT an online course! It is an Advanced, 6-session telephone mentoring/coaching program that walks you through the 6-steps of an actual Internal HR Investigation from your office. Of course, you must have now or in the near future, an actual internal HR investigation for you to be mentored/coached through this program. Upon successful completion, you become certified as an Advanced Internal HR Investigator. Multiple students from the same organization completing the same actual Internal HR Investigation get steep multi-student discounts to make this a huge bargain certification program. Call us at 209-728-8905 for more details.

In-Person Workshop

In the Trenches
The Ultimate Guide to California Medical Leaves and Accommodations


A Road map to California Medical Leaves and Accommodations

The Ultimate Guide to California PDL, FMLA/CFRA, ADA/FEHA, PFL, SDI, PFL, and Workers' Compensation and Handling Performance Management and Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Challenges

This comprehensive, interactive, 2-day training provides proven techniques for managing medical leaves and accommodations, the transition from FMLA/CFRA to ADA/FEHA. Learn how to accurately and consistently manage multiple leaves and accommodations, even when dealing with Workers' Compensation and Pregnancy Disability Leave, as well as how to respond to potential fraud and abuse.

Additional bonus will be focused on how to handle performance management issues for employees on intermittent or ongoing medical leaves and accommodations and the tricky responses to the related harassment, discrimination, and retaliation complaints.


March 26 - 27, 2020

Anaheim, CA

May 14 -15, 2020

San Jose, CA

June 4 - 5, 2020

Fresno, CA

July 16 - 17, 2020

Marina Del Rey, CA

August 6 - 7, 2020

San Diego, CA

September 3 - 4, 2020

Stockton, CA

October 15 - 16, 2020

Ontario, CA

November 12 - 13, 2020

Oakland, CA

Ultimate Guide to Federal Medical Leaves and Accommodations

A Road map to Federal Medical Leaves and Accommodations

The Ultimate Guide to FMLA, ADA, Pregnancy Disability, and Workers' Compensation and Handling Performance Management and Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Challenges

This comprehensive, interactive, 2 day training provides proven techniques for managing medical leaves and accommodations, the transition from FMLA to ADA. Learn how to accurately and consistently manage multiple leaves and accommodations, even when dealing with Workers' Compensation and Pregnancy Disabilities, as well as how to respond to potential fraud and abuse.

Additional bonus will be focused on how to handle performance management issues for employees on intermittent or ongoing medical leaves and accommodations and the tricky responses to the related harassment, discrimination, and retaliation complaints.

Free Webinar Series

The Ultimate Guide to California FMLA/CFRA, ADA/FEHA, PDL, Workers’ Compensations, PFL/SDI, and Handling Performance Management, Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Challenges.

This interactive webinar will help clarify and summarize the challenges associated with California leaves, and accommodations, the transition from FMLA/CFRA to ADA, how to apply leaves concurrently, accurately and consistently, responding to workers' compensation and California Pregnancy Disability Leave, as well as how to respond to potential fraud and abuse.

This 90-minute webinar will discuss how to handle performance management issues related to intermittent or ongoing medical leaves and accommodations and handling related harassment, discrimination and retaliation challenges.
This is a glance into our day and a half workshop being offered in multiple cities throughout California.

The Ultimate Guide to Federal Medical Leaves, Accommodations, and Handling Performance Management, Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Challenges.

This comprehensive interactive training webinar will help clarify leaves, and accommodations, the transition from FMLA to ADA and how to apply leaves accurately and consistently, and when dealing with workers compensation and Pregnancy as well as how to respond to potential fraud and abuse.

This 90-minute webinar will be focused on how to handle performance management issues when managing employees on Intermittent or Ongoing Medical Leaves and accommodations and handling related harassment, discrimination and retaliation complaints.