Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™

Test Product – New Functionality

The system includes:

In The Trenches 3-Half-Day Livestream Workshop

$1,299 Value for $999 when you purchase the Triad product package until December 5th!

IMPORTANT! The next LIVE WORKSHOP is February 3rd, 4th, and 5th! New CFRA Amendments go into effect 01/01/21. CA employers with 5 or more employees need to comply. Employers with 50 or more have even more expanded CFRA Benefits. Book now so you are ready!

California Medical Leave and Accommodation Management Specialist

Certification Course with 1 Year of Access

$2,999 Value for $1,799 when you purchase the Triad product package!

1 Year LMS California Membership & Mentorship

$2,999 Value for $2,399 when you purchase the Triad product package!


Additional information


TRIAD I A: USA FMLA & ADA – Pregnancy W/ Workers’ Compensation (USA), TRIAD I B: CA FMLA/CFRA – ADA/FEHA, PDL W/ Workers’ Compensation (CA), TRIAD I C: CA CFRA(No FMLA) – ADA/FEHA, PDL W/ Workers’ Compensation (CA)