Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™

Find Out What HR did to Help Lynette and Mike

Since this is the first time that both the husband and wife have been working for the same company,  the leave management team goes over the steps one more time together to make sure they are giving both Lynette and Mike the correct steps to follow!

Using LMS’ flowcharts, they know that Lynette gets 17 1/3 weeks of pregnancy disability leave in CA for both before and after she has the baby. She must request her leave 30 days prior to the day her leave begins. Typically, women will take 6 weeks of Pregnancy leave prior to the birth of the baby and 6 weeks after the birth if it is a vaginal birth. Thankfully, Lynette has not used any of her FMLA leave throughout the year, so she has a full 12 weeks of FMLA leave available to run concurrent with her 17 1/3 weeks of PDL leave. HR sent her the FMLA/PDL designation letter and request for confirmation of the anticipated delivery date. Lynette got everything turned in on time and is set to take her FMLA/PDL leave through the recovery of the birth of the baby. Approximately 12 weeks – 6 weeks before the baby is born and 6 weeks after the baby is born.

HR then determined that Lynette is also entitled to 12 weeks of CFRA baby bonding leave in California. As long as she submits her baby bonding leave request 30 days prior to the intended start date, HR will have enough time to process her request. Lynette plans to utilize 6 weeks of FMLA leave as soon as she recovers from the birth of her child and 6 weeks after the baby is born meaning that her FMLA will be exhausted for that year. If she decides that she wants more time to bond with her new baby, she would then be designated under CFRA baby bonding for an additional 12 weeks of leave.

In Mike’s case, the baby’s father, he has provided his 30 days’ notice to start baby bonding leave on the date the baby is born. He must provide at least a 30 days’ notice to HR to start after the anticipated delivery date of the baby. Mike will get leave for up to 12 weeks within one calendar year of the birth in CA under FMLA.

Did you know that CA allows both parents working at the same company to take their own 12 weeks of baby bonding leave? If you are not in CA, new parents working at the same company have to split the 12 weeks up between them!

Thankfully, HR was a member of LMS and was able to take care of all the eligibility notifications medical certificates smoothly. HR felt confident and comfortable with this request and allowed both Mike and Lynette to have a relaxing leave to bond with their new baby.

Do you feel confident in handling pregnancy related medical leaves and accommodations for both parents? Do you have all the forms, letters, checklists, and flowcharts ready to go with just a quick download?

Well, you can now! Sign up today and get 24/7 access!

Members have free access to our twice monthly meetings where you can get your most complicated consulting questions answered in real time by Beth De Lima who has been a subject matter expert in this area for over 30 years!

To Learn more about Leave Management Solutions, and how we can help you manage your Medical Leaves and Accommodations more effectively, efficiently, and affordably. Sign up for a free strategy session with Beth  Demo Landing Page – Leave Management Solutions