Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™

What Professionals Say About Family First FMLA & Sick Leave HR Helpline Workshop


… about our HR Family First Q&A Session!


I always enjoy reading [Beth’s] training outlines and in particular during the current COVID-19 and legislation. [Beth is] a master.
– Attorney

From past experience, I knew and expected that [Beth] would provide answers to present-day situations in a very straightforward manner. As a result of attending, I was not in the least disappointed by the information you provided. [Beth] included information applicable to small and large companies. [She] provided verbiage and in-depth case scenarios that applied to many attendees experiencing the same issues. What I found most helpful and reassuring aside from the information you provided was validation that our roles in HR are essential and of high value. Oftentimes, HR is the bad guy but if we stick to our processes, which [Beth has] helped put in place, we don’t have to be the bad guy. We are there for our employees and being consistent in our procedures allows us to fair, firm, and compliant. [Beth’s] webinars are fabulous. I am looking forward to [the] next one. [Beth is] the best!
– HR Specialist

My expectations before the webinar were to understand the impact and integration of the new emergency leave and paid sick leave legislation to the existing regulatory requirements, and suggestions on best practices. I felt that the webinar presentation validated what I already know as an HR practitioner of 30 years and I also felt validated in some of the coaching and guidance I have been giving my staff. The most helpful guidance [Beth] provided was All the FAQ’s that you read, which helped to understand that other practitioners have the same questions that I do.
– HR Manager

My goal for watching was to learn more insight regarding the expanded FMLA and Supplemental pay on how to properly apply it to employees. Also, I did appreciate the information provided and the details.
– HR Partner


Interested? Join us on April 30, 2020, at 10 a.m. PDT
for another FREE webinar on HR Family First FMLA and Sick Leaves


Sign Up Now!


The Two-Day Live Stream Workshop On the Ultimate Guide to California Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management is coming up on May 14th-15th. Get tailored solutions to your precise medical leave and accommodation management challenges in this interactive 2-day live training with Beth De Lima, an HR expert, HR Trainer, and HR Consultant who has been “in-the-trenches” managing real-life HR scenarios and providing HR expert testimony for almost 30 years, since FMLA and ADA were enacted.

It will be available via live streaming so you don’t need to leave the comfort of our home. Only a few seats are left for the special early bird price. Don’t allow one small mistake to lead to costly litigation—protect yourself and your organization and register for the upcoming training today!


Register Here!

Bonus! Earn 12 continuing education credits
for attending our “In The Trenches” workshop!