
STOP Stressing Yourself With Family First FMLA/Sick Leave Compliance Nightmare 

The Family First EZ HR Package is Like Having 27+ Years of HR Compliance 

Know-how by Your Side!


The Family First Emergency Response Act (FFERA) was passed on March 17th, 2020. The deadline to be fully compliant is April 17th, 2020.

The Family First EZ HR Emergency Response Package is here to help you stay compliant with these confusing and complex regulations. 

The package contains forms and detailed guidelines to manage Family First FMLA and Family First Sick Leave with COVID-19. 

The Family First EZ HR Emergency Response Package is all about HOW TO GET THINGS DONE and become complaint without making costly mistakes. Remember, one small mistake is all it takes for things to go from bad to worse. Don't let some people take undue advantage or even abuse these regulations. 

This package is created by HR for HR from an HR Compliance Expert who has been in the trenches since the original FMLA and ADA passed back in the 90’s.

How This Package Will Help?

  • Step-by-step instructions to make sure you have what you need for meeting the HR Industry standards of care and stay out of court. 
  • The form narratives have the directions, suggested workflow, HR standards of care, and insider tips and strategies from our HR Compliance Expert with over 27 years of experience implementing FMLA and ADA.
  • Get all the tools to become complaint effectively and quickly without wasting time in researching on the Internet.

Stop stressing and wasting your time - use this package to become compliant quickly and effectively.

What's Inside the Package?

1. Leave of Absence / Sick Leave Request Form

Use this form for the employee to indicate type of Leave needed, including Sick Leave requests with other qualify state, federal or company leaves. (Think ADA for employee’s own disability or FMLA/CFRA when applicable) DITTO regarding reduced work schedule or intermittent leave.

*(Remember intermittent and reduced work schedule leave is not required for either telecommuting or at-work employees unless both employer and employee mutually agree. But remember the DOL really, really, really wants you to try.)

2. FMLA Family First School/Childcare Closure Leave Certification

This specific FMLA COVID-19 leave is ONLY for the employees experiencing school or childcare closure for children under 18 years of age. Use this form to confirm exactly how much leave per week they are asking for if requesting a reduced work schedule* or *intermittent leave. 

3. Family First Sick Leave Certification

Use to formally document employee COVID-19 Sick Leave requests with other qualify state, federal or company leaves. (Think ADA for employee’s own disability or FMLA/CFRA when applicable) DITTO regarding reduced work schedule or intermittent leave.

4. Family First FMLA Eligibility - Conditional Designation Letter

Use to notify of eligibility and conditionally grant FMLA Family First leave when an employee has been absent for 3 or more days or has informed you of the need for FMLA leave due to a qualifying event but has not provided enough information on the certificate confirming the need for.

5. Conditional Designation Letter Second Request

Use to provide the employee a second opportunity to provide the certificate information confirming the need for a qualifying Family First FMLA leave.

6. FMLA Family First Designation Letter

Use this to designate leave as Family First FMLA after receiving a certification indicating the need for leave qualifies as Family First FMLA. Remember this runs concurrent to existing FMLA (if you have 50 or more employees), they must have qualifying FMLA weeks available to use this Family First FMLA.

7. Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee Return to Work Healthcare

Provider certification that employee can Return To Work (RTW) with no COVID-19 Virus or symptoms. Additionally, this confirms the employee is able to RTW without modifications and/or accommodations or, if necessary, provides a list of restrictions and/or accommodations. Employee may NOT return to work from a medical leave until this form is received, if required.

8. FMLA Denial Notification - Not Eligible Letter

Use to inform employee they are not eligible for FMLA and deny the Family First FMLA leave request. (Remember they only need to be an employee for only 30 days to qualify)

9 Ways the Family First EZ HR Emergency Response Package Can be a Life Saver

  1. 1
    Get the tools to help you manage people who will abuse these confusing this regulation. 
  2. 2
    Create documents that require your employees to be very clear and prevent them from abusing, cheating, or taking undue advantage of the Family First FMLA / Sick Leave regulation. 
  3. 3
    These forms are COVID-19 specific to prevent fraud and abuse while ensuring that we take care of the employees who are eligible.
  4. 4
    Support your employees by assuring they are valued so you can get them to come back when needed.
  5. 5
    Maintain the integrity of the workforce by providing them Family First leave, if needed. 
  6. 6
    Ensure that employees are not allowed ongoing, as needed, intermittent leave. 
  7. 7
    In case employees are allowed reduced work schedule leave, get assurance that they are not abusing that benefit.
  8. 8
    Manage expectations and get the productivity your managers expect even when your employees are working from home. 
  9. 9
    Stay in control during this very challenging environment because you have what you need to manage and control it. 

BONUS: Monthly Coaching Calls To Address Your Organization Specific Challenges ($900 Value)

Live Q/A Sessions Every Month

Monthly Coaching and Q/A Sessions

Once every month, I'll personally address your specific challenges over an online live group coaching sessions. These regulations are very complex and ongoing guidance is necessary to save you from the future stress and heartache. 

Until December 31st, 2020, we are going to have these live online meetings every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 11:30 AM Pacific Time.

You’ll get answers to your questions and receive guidance and strategies on how to manage the specific challenges you are and will be facing in the weeks and months ahead. 

The Family First EZ HR Emergency Response Package comes in two versions. One is the Federal version, and another is the California specific version. 

Federal Package

  • Eight editable forms in Ms Word 
  • Step-by-step directions 
  • Suggested workflow 
  • HR standards of care
  • Insider tips
  1. Leave of Absence / Sick Leave Request Form
  2. FMLA Family First School/Childcare Closure Leave Certification
  3. Family First Sick Leave Certification
  4. Family First FMLA Eligibility - Conditional Designation Letter 
  5. FMLA Family First Designation Letter
  6. Conditional Designation Letter Second Request
  7. Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee Return to Work
  8. FMLA Denial Notification - Not Eligible Letter


California + Federal Package

In addition to everything in the Federal Package, the California package also includes California-specific forms and guidelines. 

  1. Leave of Absence / Sick Leave Request Form
  2. FMLA Family First School/Childcare Closure Leave Certification
  3. Family First Sick Leave Certification (FMLA/CFRA  is addressed as impacted by non-Family First Leave)
  4. Family First FMLA Eligibility - Conditional Designation Letter 
  5. FMLA Family First Designation Letter
  6. Conditional Designation Letter Second Request
  7. Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee Return to Work
  8. FMLA Denial Notification - Not Eligible Letter


About Beth De Lima, MBA, SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP



Beth De Lima, M.B.A., SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP, is principal and founder of  Leave Management Solutions, LLC & HRM Consulting, Inc., California-based Human Resource Management Consulting /Expert Testimony and Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System services, since 1993.   Providing FMLA/ADA/ Pregnancy Subject Matter Expert Testimony, Training, and Consulting Services since the FMLA and ADA passed.  Ms. De Lima is both a Vocational Rehabilitation Consultant and a Human Resource Management Consultant, Trainer and Employment Litigation Expert Witness and a Subject Matter Expert in Medical Leave and Accommodation Management (ADA/FEHA, FMLA/CFRA, PDL and Workers’ Compensation) on a national level. 

Beth De Lima CV (PDF Download)


PO Box 2625, Murphys, CA 95247
Call: 866-838-7188
Email: info@leavemanagementsolutions.com

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