Ellen delivered her baby two weeks after the FMLA/Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) expired. What do you do?

Question: Have you ever encountered something like this? An employee in California, Ellen, was having complications with her pregnancy. She was placed on FMLA / Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL), and then she had her baby two weeks after her FMLA/PDL expired. How do we handle the time between her PTO expiring and the day she had the […]
Question: Susan was provided 12 weeks of FMLA leave. In addition, she was provided an accommodation which was unsuccessful in helping her perform the essential functions of the job. As a result, Susan was provided additional leaves under the American Disabilities Act. Susan is expecting to be able to use her FMLA leave again once it […]
Read More… from FMLA Exhausted, ADA Leave Undue Hardship– What Next?
… about our HR Family First Q&A Session! I always enjoy reading [Beth’s] training outlines and in particular during the current COVID-19 and legislation. [Beth is] a master. – Attorney From past experience, I knew and expected that [Beth] would provide answers to present-day situations in a very straightforward manner. As a result […]
Read More… from What Professionals Say About Family First FMLA & Sick Leave HR Helpline Workshop
QUESTION: Our employee has used up their 12 weeks of FMLA, and now they are off due to COVID-19. Will we allow our employee another 12 weeks? Do they have to work another 1250 hours, or can we just give them the leave for COVID-19? ANSWER: The Family First FMLA leave is a 12 […]
Read More… from When 12 Weeks of Family First FMLA are Exhausted – WHAT’S NEXT?