Become a Certified Medical Leave and Accommodation Management Specialist™
in California & the USA
Watch this video to learn more.
The Ultimate Guide to California FMLA/CFRA, ADA/FEHA, PDL, PWFA, and
Workers’ Compensation with Handling Related Performance Management and
Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Complaints
Are You Ready For The Changes That The New
PWFA Brings?
“Do you have more than fifteen employees? Then the new PWFA act applies to you.
Covered employers cannot:
- Require an employee to accept an accommodation without a discussion about the accommodation between the worker and the employer;
- Deny a job or other employment opportunities to a qualified employee or applicant based on the person's need for a reasonable accommodation;
- Require an employee to take leave if another reasonable accommodation can be provided that would let the employee keep working;
- Retaliate against an individual for reporting or opposing unlawful discrimination under the PWFA or participating in a PWFA proceeding (such as an investigation); or
- Interfere with any individual’s rights under the PWFA.
The Genesis of This Course
The story behind the California Medical Leave and Accommodation Management Specialist™ Certification Program and why it came into existence...
How it all started…
Since my early years, I have been travelling the length and breadth of the country, training HR professionals in these complex regulations. After 28 years and training thousands of HR folks, I noticed a strange pattern. During the session breaks, attendees often asked nearly the same kind of questions.
Even after having all this incredible information, something was missing
HR pros were still struggling to implement Medical Leaves and Accommodation in their organization effectively. It was crystal clear that information alone wasn’t sufficient. They needed something much more than information.
The need of the hour was a System...
A system that is easy to follow.
A system that is practical and devoid of legalese.
A system that is built upon the foundation of HR standards of care.
A system that encapsulates both Federal and California specific regulations.
It was something on the lines of - “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
In other words, instead of troubleshooting and solving the challenges of HR professionals, why not give them a system they can use to solve their problems themselves?
The answer came in the form of the Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management SystemTM.
California Medical Leave and Accommodation Management Specialist™ Certification Course

Course Benefits
- Stop Abuse and Fraud: Medical leave and accommodation abuse and fraud pose the greatest threat to productivity in organizations big or small. Being a certified leave management and accommodation specialist, you will be able to stop medical leave and accommodation abuse with utmost confidence and professionalism.
- Mitigate Risk of Lawsuit: You’ll not only mitigate the risk of litigation on your employer but you will also contribute towards increasing the productivity and overall satisfaction of the workforce.
- Avoid Costly Mistakes: Mistakes in managing medical leaves and accommodations can result in fines & penalties, productivity losses due to employee downtime, as well as legal and medical cost ramifications. Plus, it can have an adverse impact on employee morale. You can potentially save thousands of dollars in unwanted costs and mental/emotional suffering.
- Industry Recognized Certification: You are eligible to earn CEUs (SHRIM, HRIC, etc.) after you complete each training module. Plus, the certification will make a difference to establish you as a knowledgeable and capable to perform these job functions.
- Money Back Guarantee: Take the training, if you are dissatisfied with the depth and breadth of knowledge after your first training, simply ask and we’ll send you 100% money back. All we ask for is evidence that you’ve taken the training and attempted to complete the self-assessment quiz.
What's Inside the Course?
You will get immediate access to 10 training courses with over 28 hours of on-demand learning and bonus lessons with monthly coaching and mentoring. Click on each training course below to learn more and preview a FREE lesson!
All Courses, California Specific
Integrated Medical Leave & Accommodation Management System™

All Courses, California Specific
FMLA/CFRA Designation (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
FMLA/CFRA to ADA/FEHA Transition (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
FMLA/CFRA Denial & Next Steps (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
Completing an Undue Hardship Analysis (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
ADA/FEHA Accommodation Research (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
Conducting Good Faith Interactive Meetings (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
Essential Function Job Description Development (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
ADA/FEHA Designation (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
ADA/FEHA Denial (CA)

All Courses, California Specific
FMLA/CFRA-ADA/FEHA Denial When Protected Under Workers' Comp and PDL (CA)

Plus, We've Included These Incredible Bonuses!
You are not alone in this journey. You'll get direct access to me through monthly coaching sessions and private Facebook group exclusively for certification course members.
Bonus 1: 12 Bi-weekly Coaching Session
You will get access to our exclusive monthly group meetings for certification program members. In these meetings, you will get all of your questions and concerns answered in real-time and additional coaching and mentoring to help you understand the training provided.
Bonus 2: Private Facebook Group
You don’t have to wait for the monthly meetings to get your questions answered. Go to our members-only private Facebook group and post your question. You’ll get the answers in 24 to 48 hours.
Triad Package
THE California Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management system
About the Course Instructor
Beth De Lima
“Beth De Lima, MBA, SPHR-CA, SHRM-SCP, iMBA, is recognized as a national expert in FMLA/ADA HR
compliance. For over 30 years, she has been helping companies implement FMLA/ADA regulations since they were originally passed in the early 90s. From fortune 5000 organizations and government agencies to mid-market companies and small businesses, she has helped implement these regulations in businesses of every shape and size. Beth De Lima has trained thousands of HR professionals in these complex regulations. She is a sought after subject matter expert providing expert testimony for litigations and lawsuits.
She is ready to help you through the journey in a simple and HR-friendly language.
How Will this Course Help You Everyday at Work?
Imagine for a moment that you have completed your certification. Here is how it is going to help you every day at work.
- When somebody walks into your office, you're comfortable and confident.
- You know how to respond.
- You know how to get them the benefits they need.
- You know how to make sure the employee understands the expectations they need to comply with to obtain those benefits and keep them.
Ultimately, you are going to be able to sleep at night peacefully. You will be less stressed and more confident in managing an Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™ in your organization.
What Will You Get?
- 10 Courses Plus 2 Bonus Lessons
- Over 28 Hours of On-Demand and Live Instruction.
- One Year Access
- Training Courses Available Online 24x7
- 12 Full Months of Live Monthly Q&A, Coaching Sessions
- Exclusive Access to a Private Facebook Group to Get Help with Your Questions and Challenges
- Assessment Quiz(S)
- Companion Learning Guides
- Learn Anytime, Anywhere
- Acknowledgment as a Certified CA Medical Leave & Accommodation Management Specialist™
- Earn Up To 30 CEUs
STOP Wasting time searching on the internet, feeling overwhelmed or wasting money in buying theoretical training!
Time is the ultimate currency we all have.
More so when you are an HR. This course will be a HUGE time saver. Just like a genie, it will help you navigate through common medical leave and accommodation challenges 24/7.
Whenever you are stuck or you’re not sure what to do in a specific situation, simply log-in to your course dashboard, click on the relevant module and get the answer you are looking for. This is by far the most comprehensive training on this topic available at your fingertips.