Integrated Medical Leave and Accommodation Management System™

Integrated Medical Leave & Accommodation Management Audit

Leave Management Audit

This is a comprehensive, integrated audit of your existing Medical Leave and Accommodation policies and procedures! In addition, we review related policies, such as RTW, Workers’ Compensation, sick, vacation/PTO, etc. This also includes union contracts and your current FMLA/ADA forms or letters in any one state for one company with one Employee Handbook. Our integrated FMLA/ADA compliance audit is essential to discover and minimize your risk exposure, helping your company mitigate 6, 7, 8 and even 9 figure lawsuits!

You will be provided a clear, concise, and actionable written strategy to correct any weakness in the reviewed policies to ensure they are fully integrated.

This includes:

  • Detailed comments and suggestions on your policies (so you can identify any procedural changes required and modify your related procedures).
  • A follow-up consultation of up to 2 hours to review the recommended changes, clarify questions, and approve policy changes.
  • Upon clarification and approval of specific policy changes, a draft will be provided of the new integrated Medical Leave/Accommodation policies and any other related policies that are impacted, with all changes tracked.
  • A final phone consultation, of up to 2 hours, will be conducted to review the policies with tracked changes.
  • The final draft of your new integrated Leave/Accommodation and related policies will be provided. This will grant you the basis for any related procedural modifications needed.

Additional consulting/training/coaching is available, if requested, at our normal discounted rate, based on your LMS membership level.

We normally complete only one audit per quarter, so buy one for one state and company with one Employee Handbook now to secure the next spot in our schedule, so we can start your audit ASAP! (Adding one or more states after your one state purchase is fast and easy. If you prefer, you may pay with a company check, too. After your purchase, contact us to confirm which state is the main state and which additional states you want quoted, if any.)

If you would like to schedule a time to discuss the Audit and Strategy Plan in more detail to confirm it is right for your organization, please call us (866) 838-7188.

The flat fee for the audit is determined by the total US headcount of your organization. (See drop down pricing menu)

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